Defiant_Blob's SMP Operator Application


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Rank Requested:

Current/previous positions held:
  • Trusted and Operator for several months on SMP/Primordia
  • Guide on A&T
  • Trusted on AoD
List what you believe your greatest strengths are:
One of my greatest strengths is that I learn extremely quickly. I am fast to pick up on anything, and can figure things out quickly through logic. As well, I make unbiased decisions so that I can best help the server, rather than help myself. Furthermore, I act very maturely and am almost always calm. Even when I am extremely angry, I know how to behave and can keep my cool, even when it's my right not to keep my cool. Lastly, I can accept my mistakes. I know when to figure out I'm wrong and to just say sorry and learn from the past.

List what you believe your greatest weaknesses are:
Throughout my experience as a staff member, one of the main things people have pointed out that I did wrong was that I was too lenient. Often, those who pointed it out are right. However, my reasoning often is that I'd rather help a player change than to ban them.



Previous Offences?:
  • Banned on SMP v1 for minor grief, with a weekend ban
  • I was demoted on Primordia to Trusted for inactivity
What do you believe your position entails?:
I believe that being an Operator requires one to be able to fairly deal with rulebreakers, as well as to be knowledgeable about the server so as to help all players. Not only would they help on the server, but they would help contribute to the server in other ways, such as contributing ideas and discussing plans outside of it. They must be able to keep a cool head while knowing when punishment is necessary, even when this may require them to punish a friend. This job also requires that one accepts and learns their mistakes of the past so they can better do their job.

In less than 20 words, summarise yourself:
An average player that accepts his mistakes trying his best to always act kindly (often too kindly) and fairly.

Statement of Good Faith:
I know I've messed up in the past, but as I've said, I learn from the past to make a better future.
“To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often”- John H. Newman