Bill Killem


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score

Bill killem is a free action platformer developed by Chillingo. The same guys who made the popular game 'Cut the rope'. You play as Bill Killem. A professional movie star who is just on his way to Las Vegas when his phone rings. When Bill answers the phone a man bluntly tell his Aliens are attacking L.A!

But Bill doesn't give a single shit. After all. He's on vacation.
Untill he hears that the aliens will interfere with his movie premiere!
And of course. Just aliens attacking earth is normal, but when his movie premiere is in danger it means SERIOUS BUSINESS. So you, Bill Killem have to do something against it!

Of course the aliens don't appreciate that. (I mean, seriously aliens, is the movie THAT bad that you need to commence a full-scale intergalactic siege on earth?) and they quickly send EVERYTHING at you. Aliens, Chainsaws, Aliens with Chainsaws, Quick Aliens with chainsaws. Purply floating aliens, they even call in airstrikes on your sorry ass. And that is when hillarity ensues.

You: Amateur movie star Bill killem is about to outgun and outrun hordes, and i mean HORDES of aliens all trying to kill you. By shooting, jumping, obtaining bad-ass weapons and shooting everything in sight all the while being chased by a UFO trying to abduct you.

You start with 25 seconds on the clock. By collecting little clocks you get small amounts of extra seconds. Collect weapon boxes for epic new weapons, coins to unlock skins and powerups and special temporary powerups like invincibility for a short time.

I recommend you try this action-packed quick-paced epic action platformer because it's fun and overlooked by many. It's available for free* in the iOS appstore for iPhone and iPad!

Download it here:

*This game contains in-app purchases. However these purchases can also be unlocked by progressing in the game.