Unoffcial Guide: How to host/join a map.


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hello ladies and gentleman, this is a picture guide on how to host or join an Adventures & Tournaments map.


Hosting an A&T map:

First of all you need to go into a map portal which looks like this.

Then you need to enter it, you will arive at a world with the name, (map-name_your-name)

If you receive a message like this you already have a world open, type /answer no to delete it.

After that, you'll need to the players you want in your world with this command.


Joining an A&T map:

You should recieve a message like this after being invited.

If you recieve the message, go into the friends portal.

Then you will be teleported to their world, enjoy!


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