The Timeline of Blocktopia


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The Timeline of Blocktopia
by davidjl123

Last updated: July 5, 2014

Welcome to the Blocktopia Timeline! Events and elements will be added continuously here, as time goes by! Important events will be bolded.

You are welcome to suggest events and other elements for the timeline! If something in the timeline is wrong or incorrect, please inform me!

I am not adding people's join dates, unless it's a controller+, an official meeting recapper (not a temporary one), or me. For join dates, please go to our Join Dates thread. Link is below.

History and Statistics Links

Join Dates - by davidjl123/Mikey - Click here
Meeting Recaps - by davidjl123 - Click here
The Story of Blocktopia - by davidjl123/Mikey - Click here

Community Staff Roster - by raxo2222 - Click here
BB/Build/CMP Ex + Staff - by NogTrog - Click here
SMP/Prim/JtE/DoD Ex + Staff - by davidjl123 - Click here
A&T Staff - by davidjl123 - Click here
Classic Lava Ex-Staff - by HarmakPaul - Click here
Classic Zombie Ex-Staff - by Chillingworth - Click here
Classic Zombie Last Day Staff - by fredmandood - Click here
Classic + Premium TNT Ex-Staff - by alkatraz - Click here
Premium TNT Ex-Staff - by zezmi - Click here

Thanks to everybody in this community, including the people that have suggested elements in this thread, and have supported it!

{slide=2009 - birth of Blocktopia}

11 - LG_Legacy posts a thread on Minecraft Forums, with a picture showing lava flooding JTE's custom server.
17 - JTE discontinues her server software after a large argument involving Notch and other Minecraft community members. JTE later sells the server software to TheOne. (link)
19? - TheOneMcft is created by theone and LG_Legacy, with the creation of the Lava Server.
? - tortele joins the community.
? - Iguana joins the community.
? - tortele is promoted to Head Admin (First HA).
? - Mikey (M_B_H) joins the community.

16 - The forums is created.
? - First video of Blocktopia (?). "Minecraft Monastery" by Popolothe1. The video has since been blocked. (link)

? - Megatron joins the community.
? - Classic Build Server is launched.

? - pickyerpoison joins the community.
17 - catgirl12466 joins the community.
? - Malcovent joins the community.
? - UltimateBudgie joins the community.

9 - First (at least currently viewable) video of Blocktopia. "Mastodonde - Lava Flood evidence" by MGDatabase. (link)
25 - Deadl0ck joins the community.

31 - calzoneman and kraffslol are promoted to Developer.
? - KingSam joins the community.
? - F_35c1 joins the community.
? - arxx joins the community.

{slide=2010 - the olden days}

2 - Deadl0ck is promoted to Controller.
2 - Lava and Build staff split.
26 - Blocktopia on Garry's Mod.
? - Megatron is promoted to Controller.
? - theonesin is promoted to Controller.

21 - New TeamSpeak server. (link)

11 - Hotel building contest. (link)

4 - Classic Zombie Survival is officially launched.
22 - BrickWolf joins the community.
? - Maart3h becomes first Zombie Head Controller.

? - 0x3c0 joins the community.
? - Damer_Flinn joins the community.
? - Horrible becomes Zombie Head Controller.

? - cass is banned for faking logs alongside Mitch.

13 - davidjl123 joins the community.

6 - TNT Wars is launched.
6 - arxx is promoted to TNT Head Controller.
? - SMP is launched.
? - JabJabJab becomes first SMP Head Controller.
? - Matt_Allen joins the community.

13 - Build goes down.
? - GmK is promoted to Global Controller.

1 - pickyerpoison is promoted to Head Administrator.
1 - BrickWolf is promoted to Lava Head Controller.
1 - Kevin_28 is promoted to Lava Head Controller.
1 - AcidMan is demoted from Head Administrator.
10 - Razinao joins the community.
15 - Build relaunches.
22 - theonesin resigns from Head Administrator.
22 - Deadl0ck is promoted to Head Administrator (2nd time).
22 - PandaBear is demoted from Build Head Controller.
28 - nillbugwtw joins the community.
? - AvantGarde joins the community.
? - arxx resigns from TNT Head Controller.
? - GmK is promoted to TNT Head Controller.
? - GmK is promoted to ASSHAT.

5 - TheOne leaves the community.
11 - WinX64 joins the community.
12 - Nibbsy resigns from Head Controller.
19 - All developers cleared except for LISTINGS09 and destroyerx1.
26 - Megatron is promoted to Global Controller.
? - dragosh98 joins the community.

3 - TheOneMcft is changed to Blocktopia.
10 - SaltyChicken becomes meeting recapper.
10 - IntensiK is promoted to Zombie Controller.
19 - FAP Radio.
23 - Christmas streaming event hosted by san00b.
? - GmK supplies dedicated servers for Premium.

{slide=2011 - the great population boom}

7 - The_Phantom is promoted to SMP Head Controller.
7 - IntensiK is promoted to Zombie Head Controller.
28 - Yuck is promoted to Build Head Controller.
? - Marnixxie joins the community.

4 - xrat is promoted to Controller.
18 - Razinao becomes meeting recapper.
20 - CMP is launched.

6 - Zombie 3.0.
8 - jammy001 joins the community.
11 - TNT introduces the Grenadier rank.
18 - Blocktopia IRC Trivia is launched.

8 - Global Controller rank abolished, Server Controller rank created.
8 - Kevin_28 resigns from Lava Head Controller.
8 - jayp94 is promoted to Lava Head Controller.


5 - Damer_Flinn is promoted to Zombie Head Controller.

28 - Blocktopia's provider Brohoster shuts down, forum is lost, and server IPs are temporarily changed.
29 - alkatraz becomes TNT Wars Controller (1st time).
29 - SoulSoda and EphemeralKap become CMP Controller.
30 - Temporary website.

5 - The current forums is launched to the public.
6 - The Blocktopia Wiki is created. (link)
6 - TNT Wars 1.1. (link)
21 - 404 Challenge. michaelkirov wins and obtains 5000T on SMP.
21 - RonaldoSkillz joins the community.
25 - Homepage is live.

9 - Megatron becomes Zombie Controller.
9 - Ayatollah_Ali and EphemeralKap become CMP Head Controller.
22 - MindCrafty is honorably demoted from Head Controller.
24 - Kylieanna joins the community.

9 - CMP is shut down. (link)
21 - Primordia is launched. (link)
22 - Sploorky joins the community.
28 - Megatron becomes Zombie Head Controller.
28 - nillbugwtw becomes Zombie Controller.

9 - TNT Wars Capture the Flag and King of the Hill map competition. (link)
11 - Primordia PVP tournament. (link)
18 - trngl3087 becomes Lava Controller.

21 - Festive FAP Radio.
23 - WinX64 becomes Lava Developer.

{slide=2012 - rise of Premium}

2012 - rise of Premium

6 - alkatraz becomes TNT Wars Controller (2nd time).
6 - 0x3c0 becomes TNT Wars Controller.
6 - TNT Wars skin competition.
12 - Solitude event server.
17 - bronko09 is 100,000th TNT visitor. 100,000 points were awarded to him.
21 - Solitude V1.

1 - Solitude V2.
2 - Solitude V3.
10 - IntensiK resigns from Zombie Head Controller.
10 - nillbugwtw is promoted to Zombie Head Controller.
10 - Death Run testing.
17 - Adventure & Tournaments is launched.
19 - Army of Darkness is launched.
23 - Malcovent is promoted to Head Administrator.
24 - Death Run is added to Lava Survival.
24 - Primordia is shut down.
25 - Solitude Episode 2.
25 - Lava Server player data accidentally reset.
28 - BuildBox is launched.

2 - Iguana is promoted to A&T and Solitude Head Controller.
2 - UltimateBudgie is promoted to A&T Head Controller.
2 - Ayatollah_Ali is promoted to BuildBox Head Controller.
23 - TNT Wars tournament. (link)

13 - SMP 4.0.
13 - jammy001 is promoted to AoD Controller.
24 - Zombie hits 100,000 unique players.
27 - Ayatollah_Ali is demoted from BuildBox Head Controller.
27 - Yuck is promoted to BuildBox Head Controller.
27 - dragosh98 is promoted to A&T Controller.

18 - F_35c1 is demoted from Head Administrator for inactivity.
18 - UltimateBudgie resigns from A&T Head Controller.
18 - Iguana is promoted to A&T Head Controller.
25 - Classic Zombie Make-A-Lobby Competition started by Chillingworth. (link)

8 - Marnixxie is promoted to SMP Controller.
15 - dragosh98 is promoted to A&T Head Controller.
15 - jammy001 resigns from AoD Controller.
18 - SMP scavenger hunt.
22 - Baker93 is promoted to AoD Controller.
23 - Megatron resigns from Head Controller.
23 - Vatumok is promoted to Zombie Head Controller.
23 - One_one_two is promoted to Zombie Controller.
24 - Classic Zombie skin competition. (link)
29 - Yuck is demoted from BuildBox Head Controller.
29 - Matt_Allen is promoted to BuildBox Head Controller.
29 - Iguana resigns from AoD Head Controller.

2 - Classic Zombie elimination tournament started by Hockeyfan1852. (link)
13 - UltimateBudgie is promoted to AoD Head Controller.
27 - M_B_H becomes meeting recapper.
27 - Head Administrator renamed to Administrator, Head Controller renamed to Director.

2 - pickyerpoison resigns from Administrator.
3 - boredchicka resigns from SMP Controller.
3 - Gamemakergm is promoted to A&T Developer.
6 - A&T banner contest.
7 - Solitude relaunched.
12 - Baker93 is promoted to AoD Director.
12 - Guinessis is promoted to AoD Controller.
13 - WinX64 becomes Zombie Developer.
13 - SMP 4.3.0. (link)
24 - Blocktopia on Guild Wars 2. (link)

14 - Solitude is shut down.
21 - Marnixxie is promoted to SMP Director.
24 - Adventure & Tournaments is shut down.
26 - A problem with Mojang's heartbeat server causes the 3 Classic servers to go down.
26 - Hunger Games event.
28 - LSMP server testing.

1 - Zombie statistics wipe.
3 - Matt_Allen resigns from BuildBox Director.
5 - LSMP is launched.
5 - Malcovent is promoted to BuildBox Director.
12 - jayp94 is demoted from Lava Director.
12 - trngl3087 is promoted to Lava Director.
12 - Sploorky is promoted to Lava Controller.
15 - BuildBox pumpkin competition.
19 - dragosh98 resigns from A&T Director.
19 - UltimateBudgie resigns from AoD Director.
21 - BuildBox speedbuild competition started by Prizyms. (link)
25 - 1.4.2 vanilla server.
25 - LSMP map competition. (link)
27 - Halloween movie streaming event hosted by Malcovent. Later cancelled due to low turnout.
27 - SMP Halloween event.
29 - Zombie Halloween event.
30 - Guinessis resigns from AoD Controller.

11 - Creation of The Timeline of Blocktopia. (link)
23 - 100th meeting recap since the name change. (pre-meeting chat) (meeting chat)
(livestream chat)
30 - san00b announces his resignation from Administrator. The resignation has still not occurred.

14 - One_one_two resigns from Zombie Controller.
27 - The Million Pound Drop event in BuildBox started by Prizyms. (link)
28 - Journey to Elysium (JtE) is launched.

Last edited:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

The Timeline of Blocktopia

{slide=2013 - fall of Classic}

4 - LSMP is renamed to Rituals of Fire (RoF).
11 - Malcovent resigns from BuildBox Director.
12 - Server lobby created.
16 - uhtr5r is promoted to BuildBox Director.

3 - uhtr5r resigns from BuildBox Director.
3 - Malcovent is promoted to BuildBox Director.
4 - Sploorky resigns from RoF Controller.
19 - Vatumok resigns from Zombie Director.
22 - ethical1337 is promoted to Zombie Director.
22 - RonaldoSkillz is promoted to RoF Controller.

4 - TheQube is promoted to JtE Director.
8 - Trap_Wolf is promoted to Zombie Controller.
22 - trngl3087 resigns from Lava Director.
22 - Sploorky is promoted to Lava Director.

22 - Kylieanna is promoted to Lava Controller.

3 - New server lobby.
12 - KingSam resigns from TNT Director.

12 - alkatraz resigns from TNT Controller.
12 - superstein is promoted to JtE Controller.
12 - Classic TNT is shut down, Premium TNT is launched.
12 - SparklyMuffinz is promoted to TNT Director.
19 - New forums layout.
26 - WinX64 resigns from Lava, Zombie, and TNT Developer.
30 - Zombie Survival and Lava Survival shut down.

11 - superstein is promoted to JtE Director.
11 - Sploorky is promoted to JtE Director.
17 - Damer_Flinn is promoted to BuildBox Director.
17 - nillbugwtw is promoted to BuildBox Director.
24 - UltimateBudgie is promoted to AoD Developer.

24 - Infected_alien8 is promoted to AoD Controller.

8 - Deadl0ck is demoted from Administrator and globally banned.
14 - Sploorky is promoted to Administrator.

26 - A server idea for a premium Zombie Survival is declined.

3 - Solitude testing.
23 - Solitude is launched.
30 - Solitude is shut down.

3 - Blocktopia IRC Mafia is launched.

27 - Journey to Elysium is shut down.

9 - The Great Blocktopia Expedition event, involving a large-scale map of the Earth. nottycat wins the event (with Dlmt3 in second place), and receives a Humble Bundle.

20 - Dusk of Discordia (DoD) is launched.
28 - Negative rating statistics are removed from profiles after multiple requests from the community. (link)

{slide=2014 - present day}

24 - Adventure and Tournaments (A&T) server testing.

7 - Adventure and Tournaments (A&T) is launched.

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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Very close, but I think I actually joined sometime in May 2010, and promoted to TNT Op early July after playing old zombie for a few months. There's also alkatraz' details:

Wiki profile page said:
TNT Wars Trusted: 26th November 2010
TNT Wars Operator: 10th December 2010
TNT Wars Grenadier: 11th March 2011
TNT Wars Controller: 29th July 2011
TNT Wars Grenadier: 30th September 2011
TNT Wars Controller: 6th January 2012