The rules? The rules!

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
  1. Any form of glitching/hacking is not tolerated.
    1. The use of Texture packs and mods that would give you an advantage count! (E.X. X-Ray!)
    2. Abusing or finding glitches in certain maps and not reporting it.
    3. Destroying or modifying other worlds you do not own and do not have permission from the owner.
  2. Keep your behavior and language PG-13.
    1. Swearing is allowed in moderation.
    2. Keep all offensive, sexual, and racist language to yourself and not on chat.
    3. Do not aim language at other players or staff
    4. Anything linked that has Inappropriate, 18+ content on, which was linked to see their reaction may lead to a Permanent ban.
  3. Show good sportsmanship and don’t exclude!
    1. Use common sense! Follow the map or owner's objective for the map.
    2. Respect. Use it and try your best not to be rude to fellow members/staff!
    3. Team killings and switching to the other team's channels is a no-no.
    4. Do not exclude or give others misinformation. (E.X. Letting everyone but one play because "He’s not cool".)
  4. Don't spam the chat.
    1. Use the command "/ch l" when you are talking to others in your same world.
    2. Try not to express you anger on chat. Take a breather and log back on!
    3. This isn't a dating site. So use "/ch l" before you accidentally love talk everyone in the server.
  5. Don't advertise other servers or software on this server.
    1. E.X. "Get on -random IP- if you really want to have fun!"
    2. E.X. "Download Earthbound and the emulator for it. It's fun!"
  6. Listen to the Map host when you're playing in their map!
    1. Abide by the maps rules unless the Map-host tells you otherwise
    2. Listen to any extra rules that the map host provides
    3. Don't argue a host’s decision, if you disagree with them... leave the map!
    4. If you feel a host is breaking the rules, contact the staff!
  7. The Staff are here to help with all your problems!
    1. Always contact the staff first for any problems you have
    2. Don’t take the law into your own hands, always contact staff to help
    3. If you disagree with a staff-member, please contact a higher-level staff member
    4. If a staff member is abusing their powers, take a picture and PM an HC!
  8. Above all, this server was designed for fun. Keep it that way!
    1. If you get annoyed, take a break!
All thanks go to the wonderful A&T staff for working as an awesome team and making these great rules. They will be soon added to the server and the wiki.

If you have any questions, ask away below!