Information Staff Rankings & Descriptions

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Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Have you ever wondered what exactly a staff member does? Curious about moving up to another role or applying for a role but want to know more about it? Well, this is the place for you! You can find a description of all the "Staff Roles" of EscapeRestart below. If you are interested in staffing, apply on our Discord using the #apply-for-help channel!

Main Staff Roles
  • Community Admin
Community Admins oversee everything going on in the community and is the highest role you can get as staff. Typically, they have a specialized role to help distribute the workload between everyone. Their main role in the staffing ecosystem is to ensure everything is running smoothly at a community level, that admins are getting the support they need for their servers, and that everyone on the staff team / community is getting along. Community Admins are all handpicked from previous Community Admins, besides a few circumstances where applications were opened. Community Admins have access to everything, so you will see them help with all our servers - especially when an admin may not be present at the time. They will have the Admin role across all servers.
  • Admin
Admins are more specific to servers, and you will typically find 1-2 per server. Admins deal with the backend of the server, including things like configurations, console access, and more. Admins are normally picked by Community Admins and aren't done through an application process as it is a more "secure" position. These are the people who head the creation of servers and do the "grittier" work. Their specific role is to maintain their server, make sure their server is fun and enjoyable, and ensuring they have a healthy staff team.
  • Controller
Controllers help maintain the server in a different way then admins, but still have more control over things. This role is essentially the "Team Leader" of the staff and allows for the Admin to have more breathing room to do backend work instead of worrying about more inter-community work. Controllers are normally picked by admins from the Moderator position, but some servers may have applications for Controller as well. Controllers will help maintain staff integrity, help run events and organizations, and make sure they are present on the server to ensure everyone is having a good time.
  • Moderator
Moderators are the very first staffing position that is open to everyone for our servers. You can easily apply for moderator of each respective server using our discord staff application form. Every server will typically have some varying requirements though, so keep that in mind! Moderators are there to help maintain and upkeep the rules of the server, and also do smaller work on some servers - for example on our Creative server they do the process of rank applications. Moderators also help with the development of servers but in a different way, by giving ideas, suggestions, and feedback to Administrators.

Misc. Staff Roles
  • Developer
Developers help administrators create plugins / custom content for their servers. Developers aren't really tied to one server, and generally help any admin that is in need. They have good knowledge about plugin development and java but are only generally needed when more in-depth technical work is required for a server.
  • Contributor
Contributors are a vital role for helping the development of servers. These are people who don't necessarily want staffing obligations but still want to help the server in other ways, whether that be with discussions / ideas, organization, event management, building, and many other things. This is somewhat a "jack-of-all-trades" role, and if you think you have a specialty that can be beneficial to a server, then you should apply! Contributors don't really have any special perms on servers, but they do get a fancy tag in our Discord and Forums! You can apply for Contributor anytime for any server using our Discord Staff Applications.
  • Event Manager
Event Managers help coordinate events for our community and ensure that the events are running smoothly when launched. They all work together to make a nice schedule of events so that we can make sure we have fun things for the community to do often. Event Managers mainly do their coordination on Discord, and don't really have any in-game powers or permissions. You are always available to apply for this role using our Discord Staff Applications.
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