Survival SimpleSMP Closure & TBD Event


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Goodbye old friend...
SimpleSMP has been running for quite some time now, and at this point a good portion of that time has been spent unmaintained / updated. I think it's a pretty good time to close it down, especially because there is a new SMP being worked on, and we will be having events to hold off until the servers come to fruition. There's no point in keeping it up at this point now, and I'm sure mostly everyone agrees with me. Heres the details:


I will be shutting down SimpleSMP on August 6th, just so I can save backups of everything permanently before the closing event. The server will remain open to the public up until that point, so feel free to do anything you've felt you need to do now. I will be releasing a world download once I get everything backed up as well, so don't worry about you losing builds or anything - everything will ultimately be there for you to use in the future if you want!

Closing Event

On August 7th, @ 6PM UTC I will re-open the server up, and everyone will have permissions for creative mode, flying, and a few other things. Feel free to hop in the Discord and voice chat with all your old friends about memories from SimpleSMP, or to just have fun blowing things up together. I'll let the fun go on for however long people feel like, but by the end of the night SimpleSMP will be officially closed and we will be moving onto the next chapter of EscapeRestarts SMP's. I'll be making a more official event post later about this as well under our Event's forums / Discord, but I'm going to wait a bit for our current event to sit for that to come out.

Final Notes

SimpleSMP was my first ever SMP I ran, and honestly really played extensively. I was still even relatively newer to server work, although at that point I definitely had my hands dipped into it. It had its flaws, bugs, and other things - but I'm really proud of what I managed to make with the resources we had. I worked with a pretty small team to put it all together, and even started the project completely on my own.

I know not everyone may have enjoyed aspects of SimpleSMP, but I hope everyone found at least something they enjoyed out of it, found new friends, and rebuilt old connections. I was ecstatic to see the player count on release and the months after, and while of course because of it being headed by a small team, with a head admin (me) that was definitely overworked, it fizzled out - I still think it was a great SMP for the books.

Here's to the future friends, and to a sturdier SMP being led by an amazing and dedicated team. ?


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Longest running SMP for ER/BT/TOMcft, thanks for running this server. Legitimately got me through the worst parts of the pandemic.
Part of me feels bad it went on for so long because I couldn't update it as much as I wanted too, but I'm glad it was at least playable for most people by the time I was done with it and got my hands full. Cheers, always enjoyed seeing ya'll on the server when I was on.