On suggesting maps...

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hello adventurers!
Here you will learn how to suggest a new map for the server.​
Being the Avid explorers you guys are you will definitely come across many cool and exciting worlds that you think would work great on the server. We are always looking for new maps to offer new experiences to our adventurers, so we would greatly appreciate your suggestion!

However, all explorers know that when packing a bag for a long trip you always have to choose; Quality over Quantity. That's why we would appreciate if you fill in the following format when suggesting a map for the server:
[B]Type of Map:[/B]
[B]Amount of Players:[/B]
[B]Link to the Map:[/B]
[B]Why do you think this map will make a good addition?[/B]
[B]Has this map been tested thoroughly? (Proof if possible!)[/B]
[B]Fill in the following template:[/B]
difficulty: normal # Choose between normal/easy/hard/peaceful
blockBreakMode: false # false = blockBreak is list of blocks you CANT break, true = blockBreak is list of blocks you CAN break
blockBreak: # A list of blocks you can either break or not break. Make the list in the same way as the default with 2 spaces and a '-'
  - Bedrock
  - Obsidian
blockPlaceMode: false # false = blockPlace is list of blocks you CANT place, true = blockPlace is list of blocks you CAN place
blockPlace: # A list of blocks you can either place or not place. Make the list in the same way as the default with 2 spaces and a '-'
  - Bedrock
  - Obsidian
  - Water
enableAdminMode: false # false = This world is not being checked when players place blocks wheter or not that specifik location is allowed, true = Location IS checked
creeper: true # true = spawn creepers, false = disable creepers
enderman: true # true = spawn enderman, false = disable enderman
zombie: true # true = spawn zombie, false = disable zombie
skeleton: true # true = spawn skeleton, false = disable skeleton
spider: true # true = spawn spider, false = disable spider
mobs: true # true = enable all mobs, false = disable all mobs
vechiledestroy: true # true = players can destroy vehicles, false = players cannot destroy vehicles
paintingbreak: true # true = players can break paintings, false = players cannot destroy paintings
After you've posted a thread with the correct format; our experienced team will check your request (possibly play test it) and will hopefully accept your application.

We look forward to seeing your contributions, and as always if you have any questions feel free to contact a member of staff

May you find light in the darkest cavern,
The Global Adventurer Comittee