Modern McDonalds™


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
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Hello there today I will be presenting my Modern McDonalds

Let's start with the outside! We here at McDonaldswant you to eat in luxury. So we spent all your hard earned money on this huge McDonaldsthat won't even get close to full capacity! Stuff your grubby face with a Big Macin complete and utter fanciness!

Next is the 1st floor! As you can see, we here at McDonaldscare about only the look of our stores, not our food! Here, you could take a selfie and convince you're in a 5 Star rerestaurantbut in reality your'e shoving your fat face with food that has been processed over 100 times!

Here is another action shot of our 1st floor! As you can see, the cakes that have been sitting there for weeks are on display, because we do not care! We have McSeatsthat even the largest person can fit in them!

As you can see, we have a McElevator! We care about how much life is wasted going up and down stairs, so we implemented an elevator to CARRY you up and down our Restaurant!

Here is out 2nd floor! This is where we 'make' our food! As you can see, our contractor got lazy and actually put stairs to the 3rd floor, sorry!

Here at McDonaldswe care about cleanliness, I mean look at our kitchen, it's cleaner than that spot on your triple chin that's been there for a week! Even the sign directs our employees! We want our customers safe and happy, so we have all employees wash their McHands!

Here is the 3rd floor! Only VIP's who weigh more than 300 lbs, and have spent over $300 in McDonaldsare allowed in this exclusive area! From this area you can smell all the smoke coming from the smoke stacks on the roof, and can even see the ozone layer burning away! Thank you for looking at Modern McDonaldsand we hope you enjoy your stay!

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