Other Meet The Admins | Hexical


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Hello! My name is Hexical (or Bailey!), and I'm a Senior in Highschool. I also plan on attending my local college once I graduate from Highschool this month! I live in the US, specifically in Michigan which is honestly a terrible state but what can you do.
What do you do for EscapeRestart?
I'm currently a Community Admin for EscapeRestart, and my niche for the job is Community Relations / Events. I plan / run events, help users plan our CDE's, and make sure our user base is getting along as well as possible, along with ensuring our staff our getting along, making progress, and doing what they need to do. I also help make decisions, and help with the decision making progress when there is staff discussion.

I also am Create Administrator, where I'm actually doing a large revamp of Create (you can read more about it here), and am planning on doing a lot of fun things with the "new" server! Along with making the new server, im continuously updating and trying to squash as many bugs as I can on our current server, which has been working well.
Why do you staff for EscapeRestart?
Long story short, I really really enjoy this community. I, like others, have been around fairly long, and have had a lot of good memories made on this community. I can remember being 12/13 and playing on EscapeRestart (Blocktopia) constantly, and making new friends and relationships. I want to be here to help other people experience what I did, to make sure our servers are still going on and providing the area that I love so much.

This community is important to me in my life, and I enjoy being here and having a helping hand in it. It's fun (albeit stressful at some points), I've made even more great memories, and just knowing that I have a hand in helping others feel what I used to feel years ago makes me happy.
What else do you enjoy doing?
I have a few hobbies outside of staffing EscapeRestart / Minecraft, but not many! I really really enjoy Interior Design / Architecture, and have been taking classes in Highschool for both for 4 years now. I have a handful of projects that I always constantly work on, and its a nice stress reliever for me. Graphic Design is something I enjoy also, and I love to use Photoshop and other PC programs to just edit photos / videos (although I'm not amazing at it!). I also enjoy coding, specifically for GMOD. I learned LUA when I was 13, and actually began making money selling addons on gmodstore, which was really fun. I don't really sell any of my scripts anymore, and just do it more for fun / make my servers more individual.

Other than all of that, I just like to chill and listen to music, skateboard, and hang out with friends. I'm prett typical when it comes to my hobbies, but I enjoy what I like to do in my freetime.
Anything else you'd like to add?
All I'd like to say is staffing is a stressful, but very rewarding job. I love feeling like I play a part in this community, and I love interacting with the people of the community and finding out what they want and how I can help them. I've been CA for almost a year now, and despite a rocky start, I have really enjoyed my time as Staff and can't wait for the future.

I appreciate everyone in this community for giving me a place to talk, play games, hang out when I want to chill at my PC, and on top of all of that allow me to be a CA of the community.

Thank you, and feel free to leave any questions for me below!