Map Submission Information

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The Head Pyromaniac
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
To submit a map, it must be in .dat level format or iCraft folder. These are the only 2 file formats we allow for submissions. Any others will have no hope of being accepted.

Without screenshots, I will not bother looking at a map. Your submission requires at least one screenshot in it of the map, preferably with an overview of the map, pictures of the spawns and the main area(s) of play.

Maps should, most of the time, be fair on both teams, so no lava for red team and water for blue team, since players move more slowly through lava than water, not to mention if you put the wrong type of lava it will kill the players. Maps don't HAVE to be symmetrical, but it can help if they are reflected or have rotational symmetry in them. This is to make it fairer, as it's not good to have one team having a much easier path to navigate. (This is not the case for random spawn maps, since if they spawn in a random location across the map, there is no need to have it symmetrical or fair on one side or the other.)

By submitting a map here, you agree that it can be added to the TNT Wars server and modified in the way that we as the staff of the TNT Wars server see fit, which is most of the time for improving gameplay, making it easier to play on or whatever we deem necessary. Anybody who posts a map here agrees to this.

If your post does not contain a download link, I will take it as if it is not a submission and is a worthless thread simply taking up space and it will likely be deleted.

When making changes, make sure you Update the original post's download link!

Other than that, good luck map building!
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