Map Submission Format

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Ex - Army of Darkness Director
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Army of Darkness Map Submission Format

In an effort to streamline the submission process, the format was simplified and is no longer included in the map making information thread.​
Map name:
Map author(s):
Size of map:
Size of map as a square or circle. Example: (150x150)
Map Center: Give coordinates to the center of your map.
Kits: Provide kits for both the Hunters (Dark Hunter, Scavenger, and usual Hunter kits) and the Survivors (regular Survivor kits and Juggernaut). Please try to balance the kits as much as possible. Also specify whether you want the kits to be randomly chosen or if you want the player to be able to choose their kit using /kit <name>
Screenshots: Take screenshots of around your map. Additionally, if the map was built on BuildBox we'd like you to provide a warp for it. A warp can be set using /setwarp.
Download Link: If the map was created on BuildBox, you may save it as a schematic. Schematics can be accessed here. If the map is saved on your computer, upload it to a file sharing service and provide the link here.
Input File: This can be created using our configuration file generator.
Additional Information: This is where you tell anything else you may want us to know about the map. This is also the place where you specify what extra features you want, such as TNT damage. If you included chests in your map and it is on BuildBox, please include our staff members in your plot so we may review your chests.
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