Lava Survival Map Submission Format/Guidelines

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Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
The format:
The name of your map:
Did anyone help you build your masterpiece?
Give us a description/background of your map:
Screenshots(Please have at least one screenshot of the spawn and each timer!):
Suggested building/round time(optional)?
Do you want any specific features added to your map(Specific mood, liquid speed, or realistic)?
Anything else to add?
Download file(must be a .dat or .lvl):
The Guidelines:
1. Plagiarism, Copying, and Stealing maps and/or map ideas are strictly prohibited.​
2. Please be creative. A flat map will get denied. Make your map fun to explore!​
3. All maps are recommended not to exceed 128x128x128 unless approved otherwise. 64x64x64 is usually the standard, but we encourage variety as well.​
To be approved:
If the staff give positive opinions on your map, and a controller+ approves the submission, your map will be added for testing. If your map proves to be fun and playable for the playerbase, it will be permanently added. Note a controller+ has the option to approve or decline your map at any time.​
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