EscRestart is like a time capsule.

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No.1 Admin & Founder
Aug 2, 2011
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I'm going to tell you a story.

When I was in elementary school, my friends and I came up with a plan to rob Bill Gates. We spent nearly a week planning it out. The route we'd take to arrive at the Microsoft headquarters, our methods of entry, how we'd receive payment, how we'd exit, and all the contingencies we could possibly think of. No one could tell us that our plan wouldn't work - it as fool proof. There wasn't a single thing that we had not accounted for.

We thought it would work because we were a group of clueless fifth graders. Nothing in our plan would have worked. As an adult I look back on all this and laugh. Loaded with arrogance and armed with ignorance we dreamed this plan up.

Reading through your post, I'm reminded of all that. These few sections alone:

Lee_scar said:
It called for the dedication of the developers skill-sets being pushed to the limits, the support of the head-admin and the collective consciousness of every admin and their respective staff.

I had given the presentation to a colleague and was told to leave the handling of said presentation to them and another. "lets get your foot in the door and we will share this and build upon it. Don't start your plans for SMP just yet though without hearing back. They might not like what you are doing. EscRestart is going to explode with this"
Seemingly supportive.


To which I was responded with days later from the data transfer after I eagerly inquired about it having laid the brickwork to start roughly a 20-30 hour work week of actually something into the server let alone continuing research for the other servers:
"Lee, just leave, don't say anything don't do anything, we will casually hand off everything. You said you would go public with the presentation to the community and the head-admin won't support it.Don't. This would cause problems in the EscRestart community. It's too much work for a game that frankly no-one here actually cares about. So leave and we won't publicly humiliate you to get you to stop."
Level with us a moment: No one said any of those things. By your own admission these statements are paraphrased. I don't doubt that you had conversations around community improvements, but as time passes, details fade. What remains of those memories have been filtered through your own hubris. "... EscRestart is going to explode with this", "... So leave and we won't publicly humiliate you to get you to stop."? This is a small gaming community in an even smaller corner of the internet. Decisions made and actions taken here are inconsequential in the larger scope of life. There is quite literally nothing you could have suggested that would warrant responses similar to that. They reek of an r/thathappened thread.

I originally took interest in this thread as you've been around since 2011. Despite announcing my resignation in 2012, I was active behind the scenes until the start of 2015. Being that you seem unable to provide any form of specifics, I ran my inbox all the way back to 2011 and didn't find you. There's of course a four year gap, but for anyone interested in investigating, they now have an actual piece of data: January 2015 onward.

I don't know what the specifics with your situation were, but if my many years of experience in this community and others were to lead me to a guess, it'd be this: You had some ideas which you felt extremely passionate about and thought they were the greatest. You worked hard on solidifying those ideas and passed them along. Unfortunately, due to no fault of your own, they likely just didn't have feet to stand on. I'm sure they seemed great in your head, but without being privy to the larger scope of the community and realities of running a community, they simply wouldn't have worked. Not wanting to crush your passions, a staff member did the best they could to soften the blow. As time passed, a scorned user you became, leading us to the present state where you think offering up community feedback warrants publicly humiliating someone.

Lee_scar said:
The real trash talk would be scoffing and saying how long will my post persist before I'm gagged and 8balled like I was told I would be.
You're not Edward Snowden threatening to release classified information to the masses dear. You're just another person in a gaming community.

I hope you step away and get some fresh perspective on life.


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
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I'd like to preface this with one thing before I delve deeper into it - to anyone who comes here just to pass on drama, encourage it, or incite it - just leave. Leave this community and stop bugging it, we are doing fine without the drama. I've been done with it for 2 years since I've left High School, and EscapeRestart isn't your local High School Freakshow to tune into when you are feeling bored. We are a community that houses players and staff who genuinely care about each other and the servers we host, even if we sometimes make mistakes, fail at deadlines, etc. I expect everyone to be treated as such.

I truly thought that after being in this community for a good part of my life, and growing up and watching others grow along with me, this would be a thing of the past, left behind in Blocktopia when we were all middle schoolers. Drama in this community does nothing, it brings nothing in, and all it leaves is some stupid jokes that people will meme about for a week and then forget about. Drama isn't a good thing for this community, and it never has been; it was just more widely gawked at before because we were kids.

This started out as a boiling pot and I should have put a sword in it long ago. I've been staffing long enough to know when someone comes with an intent of heart, and an intent of hatred. It is partly my fault, that this thread has gotten to this point already, and for that I apologize for.

That is why I'm closing this thread now. You can scream "Freedom of Speech" or whatever excuse people use nowadays, but I'm not doing this because I don't want to hear you - I am always more than happy to discuss ideas / the future of our community with any user, (social or not), as long as they come to me with good intent and a good attitude. I'm doing this because it has fueled drama, and I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of certain users causing drama and making the environment worse for others.
I'm sick of certain users attacking my staff, the volunteers who take their time out of their personal days to help our community and its players.
I'm sick of looking at my staff team and seeing their motivation and morale drop to sickening degrees due to those certain users, yet still sticking around because they feel the weight of this community on their shoulders and don't want to disappoint the people who play on our servers.

Lee, I want you to PM me regarding the claims les has been making. No one is being banned, nor muted, this thread will just be locked from now on. People are free to view it in the future as they please. Thanks everyone.
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