Elytra Plugins For Elytron Map And Future Deathrun Maps


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
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Hey, so I noticed that the Elytron Deathrun map hasn't been added to the rotation yet and I guess that the staff are just busy with other aspects of the server, but I figured that maybe they could use a little nudge to include Elytra in future Deathrun maps.

The idea here may not be the best way to incorporate Elytra into Deathrun because this requires at least three plugins (and I know that some people really hate adding more plugins to an already bloated server) but this is all that I can think of unless SirComputer already has a way to incorporate Elytras efficiently.

Problem: From what I see, there are multiple issues with incorporating Elytras into Deathrun.
  • How players get the Elytra during the round.
  • What happens to the Elytra AFTER the round.
    • Such as if they'll use that Elytra during other Deathrun maps
    • Or if they will use the Elytra during KOTL rounds since KOTL and Deathrun are done in the Adventure Gamemode.
  • How players will be able to utilize the Elytra during the round.
    • Such as if they hit something and fall, how will they gain traction to fly again?
Solutions: This requires a few plugins

Elytra Equipper - https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/elytra-equiper/
  • This covers the first problem. Players can use the /elytra command or step on a pressure plate to equip an Elytra when they join the Deathrun map.
  • You will need to put the "elytraequipper.elytra" permission for a specific world in the PEX file so all players can use the cmd.
StopElytra - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/stopelytra.19790/
  • Solution to second problem. This doesn't require a command but requires the permission to be set under the right section of the world in the PEX file. For this to work, you would have to put "stopelytra.bypass" permission for the Deathrun world. The players would then be able to use the Elytra in the specific world, but not for other worlds that don't have the permission.
  • What is also neat about this plugin is that it can remove Elytras from the player inventory if it is found -- I'm assuming that this can automatically be done in other worlds (e.g. Lobby) if a player tries to use it. You just need to enable it in the config file and make sure that the "stopelytra.bypass" perm isn't in the Lobby world or other maps don't need Elytra usage.
SoulElytra - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/soulelytra.27639/
SuperElytra - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/superelytra-improved-elytra-flight.19382/
  • Solutions to third problem. I posted two plugins here just to give options, but what these two do is enable continuous flight for the player whilst they use their Elytra. The vanilla version of Elytra decreases speed overtime, whilst these plugins seem to have the same amount of speed which makes it easier for players to fly through a Deathrun map.

Overall, this is how I see Elytra being used for Deathrun maps or for another alternative such as having an Elytra shop that players can buy from which gives them permissions to use Elytras -- You can give them the ElytraEquipper command, but if StopElytra is enabled in the Lobby, they'll "lose" the Elytra, but they can still get the Elytra back with the ElytraEquipper cmd in other maps such as in a Survival map.

I think it would be neat if you guys did test this combination of plugins out. ;)

EDIT: Scratch the ElytraEquipper command for the Elytra Shop suggestion at the end because players will be able to drop their Elytra and share it with others, unless you figure out a way to "soulbind" elytras or disable elytra dropping or chest storage.

EDIT2: Nevermind, the StopElytra plugin would stop the player that didn't buy the Elytra from using it-- Assuming that the ElytraEquipper and StopElytra perms are given to the first player that bought it.​
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