DarkRP Moderation | A Thorough Guide to ULX

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Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hello! You're probably here because you've forgotten, or you don't know, ULX commands. No worries! I've compiled a list to help you out! These commands are only useful for DarkRP, so not all the ULX commands are listed here. I will go into detail all the useful features of ULX. If you're just here for the commands, go to the bottom of the page.

Remember that some of these commands are meant to only be used for administrative purposes. Please do not abuse these commands while you're roleplaying, if you're caught it will lead to severe consequences.

Binding ULX Commands:

Binding ULX commands can come in handy also, I'll be using the command ulx noclip for this example. Go into console by pressing "~". Once your console is open, type this in console: bind v "ulx noclip". Hit enter, then you should be on your way to no-clipping with a simple push of a button!

Activating Dev Console:

If you can't open console, go to options, click Advanced, and enable Developer Console, make sure to check that its binded to a key, under Options, Keyboard Control, it should be located under Miscellaneous Movement.


All ULX commands start with a "!" prefix. Example being if you want to god yourself, you'd do !god, to god yourself. You could go through console "~" and type ulx god, but thats just silly.

menu - Shows you the client menu. (say: !menu) Used for kicking, banning, and doing fun stuff to people in a convenient menu
o fban <user> - Shows a ban menu, if with name, automatically fills out the menu. (say: !fban)
o xban <user> - Same as fban, but with SteamID included. (say: !xban)

Fun: (Abuse of these will NOT be tolerated)
slay <user(s)> - slays the specified users. (say: !slay)
o blind <user(s)> [<amt 0-255>] - Blinds user(s) by amount. (say: !blind) EX: !blind Hexical_ 255
o ignite <user(s)> - ignites the specified users. (say: !ignite)
o ragdoll <user(s)> - ragdolls the specified users. (say: !ragdoll)
o slap <user(s)> [<damage>] - Slaps target(s) with given damage. (say: !slap)
o sslay <user(s)> - silently slays the specified users. (say: !sslay)
o unblind <user(s)> - Unblinds user(s). (say: !unblind)
o unignite <user(s)>, or <everything> - Extinguishes individual player(s) or everything (say: !unignite)
o unjail <user(s)> - Unjails user(s). (say: !unjail)
o unragdoll <user(s)> - unragdolls the specified users. (say: !unragdoll)
o whip <user(s)> [<times>] [<damage>] - Slaps target(s) x times with dmg each slap. (say: !whip) EX: !whip Hexical_ 10 100
o armor <user(s)> - sets the armor for the specified users. (say: !armor)
o maul <user(s)> - Mauls targets with a npcs. (say: !maul)
o strip <user(s)> - Strips user(s)'s weapons. (say: !strip)

Administrative: (Only use while Staff on Duty, or in emergency)
o cloak <user(s)> [<amt 0-255>] - Cloaks user(s) by amount. (say: !cloak)
o ghost <user(s)> - Ghosts you. (say: !ghost)
o god <user(s)> - Makes player(s) invincible. If no user is specified, gods yourself. (say: !god)
o uncloak <user(s)> - Uncloaks user(s). (say: !uncloak)
o unghost <user(s)> - Unghosts you. (say: !unghost)
o ungod <user(s)> - Revokes player'(s) godmode. If no-one is specified, ungods you. (say:!ungod)
o hp <user(s)> - sets the hp for the specified users. (say: !hp) EX: !hp Hexical_ 100
o noclip <user(s)> - Toggles noclip for player(s). If no arg, noclips you. (say: !noclip)

bring <user> - Brings a user to you. (say: !bring)
o goto <user> - Goto a user. (say: !goto)
o send <user1> <user2> - Sends user1 to user2. (say: !send) EX: !send Hexical_ JoeisPyro
o teleport [<user>] - Teleports you, or player you specify, to where you're looking. (say: !tp)

People Management:
ban <user> [<time>] [<reason>] - Bans a user for x minutes, use 0 for permaban. (say: !ban) EX: !ban Hexical_ 60 "RDM"
o banid <steamid> [<time>] [<reason>] - Add a steamid to the bans, use 0 for perma. (say: !banid) EX: !banid STEAM_0:1:155384206 0 "Mic Spamming"
o jail <user(s)> [<time>] - Jails user(s) for x seconds (forever if not specified). (say: !jail)
o freeze <user(s)> - freezes the specified users. (say: !freeze)
o unfreeze <user(s)> - unfreezes the specified users. (say: !unfreeze)
o kick <user> [<reason>] - Kicks a user with the given reason. (say: !kick)
o spectate <user> - Spectates specified user. (say: !spectate)
o unban <steamid> - Remove the specified steamid from the banlist. (say: !unban)
o who - Shows all connected players ids and access. (say: !who)

Messaging and Muting:
asay <text> - Sends a message to currently connected admins. (say: @)
o gag <user(s)> - gags user(s) (Disable voice/mic input). (say: !gag)
o gimp <user(s)> - Gimps a player (can't talk normally). (say: !gimp)
o mute <user(s)> - Mutes a player (can't talk at all). (say: !mute)
o ungag <user(s)> - Ungags user(s). (say: !ungag)
o ungimp <user(s)> - Ungimps a player. (say: !ungimp)
o unmute <user(s)> - Unmutes a player. (say: !unmute)

vote <title> <option1> <option2> [<option3>] - Starts a public vote. (say: !vote) EX: ulx vote "Omg this is an awesome vote" "blah blah" "bloh bloh" (People always mess this up so badly. Remember the quotes)
o voteban <user> [<time>] - Starts a ban vote for x mins. Defaults to a day. (say: !voteban)
o votekick <user> - Starts a public kick vote. (say: !votekick)
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