Cyrus's Mausoleum and Undead's Revenge


The Rising Star
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
The creature sat in the enveloping silence. It's hiss rang throughout the empty cave. It was still bitter. After Danni122112 and paceboys had smited the master, the forces had scattered. Many had been vanquished fighting the two. SoulEater was now vanquished. The creature shifted in the shadows and it's hiss of anger and hatred turned quickly to a purr. It had not been a total loss. The one they called paceboys was long dead, killed by the master, and the fruits of its labors were finally paying off. It sneered. The cave it now found itself in was dank and disgusting, but it would do. It would do. It smugly sat, watching as its master's old forces were summoned by the calls, beginning anew. His fortress would soon be complete. It would be his. The laughter bounced away as it raced the cold walls of the cave… The Undead's Revenge.

And the Undead may not be the only one out for revenge, for SoulEater's sibling is now planning for her own return to power, and the Undead one is standing in her way. Cyrus will stop at nothing to return the glory to the family, and you may get caught in the crossfire between the two former allies, now turned rivals. Welcome, to...
Cyrus' Mausoleum
Prepare yourselves for a battle of vengeance and terror in Elysium’s newest set of dungeons.
The portals for both dungeons are located in the pvp zone at approximately -1475,1725. These dungeons may be challenged in a group or individually.​

Designed and written by JohnOgozalek