Community Community News 303 - 6th August 2019


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score


SirC has temporarily stepped in as CA

Community Events

• Updated Forums to Xenforo 2.1.2, with tons of new features! Read More Here
• Archives have been cleaned up and organized [Before] [After] [After]
Dark Theme Coming Soon
• Added Spotify Integration

1.13.x & 1.14.x
Currently the only two servers to run on these versions are Blocktopia (1.13.2) and Temp SMP (1.14.3).

The current reason not many of our servers are on these versions are because 1.13 was a very large update and broke a lot of plugins, including a few of our custom ones. The good news is, we are working very hard to get to these versions, and we are shooting for 1.14.

Found some spare change in your couch and are feeling generous? Donate to us to ensure our servers stay up! We also have a Patreon page where you can donate however much you want monthly, and gain a Discord donor rank if it's over $5/m: check it out here!

Blocktopia has also implemented its first wave of Donor Rewards in-game! Make sure to link your account and hop on the server to check it out.

Minecraft / Discord Account Link
Register your forum account and get a [Member] rank in the Lobby.
If you are a donor, you will get the [Donor] rank in Lobby & Create, and if you link your discord you will get the Donor role in our discord!

Donor features as said above are planned, so make sure to link up if you haven't already!

Please make sure to vote for our GameServers! It helps us reach to new players and will help grow our community, and you get rewards across all servers! You can refer to the links below for the websites.

Planet Minecraft

• Added #server-news and a role so you can always be updated!
• Added #blocktopia-gamechat, a place where you can communicate with players in MC via discord!
• You can now self assign roles via a menu in #info!

Discord -> Forum Link
Interested in obtaining the donor role on discord? Link your discord!
Discord -> Forum

Implacity has been promoted to Discord Admin
KNBrisson has stepped down from Discord Admin

Blocktopia has been released! After all the hard work create staff have put into the server, it is finally available to the public! Make sure to check it out by joining, and if you are interested in more info about it - please refer to this announcement post.

Community Build
We are hosting our very first Community Build on Blocktopia! Come join the community in working on a large scale ocean themed build. Build whatever you feel can contribute to the space, hang out with your friends, and learn new building techniques from staff!

If you wanna check it out, just head on over to Blocktopia and do /warp Ocean!

Bugs are sadly hard to avoid, especially on a new server. If you find any bugs on Blocktopia, make sure to report them on our Phabrictor here. If you need help understanding Phabricator, you can read this helpful post by SirC here!

The lava god has been quite calm and peaceful recently.

Comp has been working at updating AoD to 1.13.2.

Map Helper Applications | Map Update Thread

SMP has been down currently for temp SMP, so for now I will throw in the tempSMP news.

Temp SMP has been a great success (in my books) and tons of players have appeared to enjoy it a lot. I will continue maintianing the server as long as possible, but if anything I would like a more permanent solution in the near future. If you are interested in helping out with that, DM me on the forums or Discord!

You can take a survey here which will also help me :)

We're up! Come join us! Check how many people are currently in the server here.

If you want Deathrun up just let me know.

Definitely not Solitude

We are currently expereincing issues with world corruptions on restart and are working toward getting it fixed, but things have been delayed because of this. We apologize for the inconvenience.