Community Community News - 15 April 2017


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Community News 264 - 15th April 2017


We always rely on donations to help run the forum and servers. If people don't donate, we cannot stay up, so if you have some money spare we would really it! We have a Patreon page where you can donate whatever you want monthly, and gain a Discord donor rank if it's over $5/m.

Vote Here!
Voting means we show up more on the internet, which is better advertising for us. Create's just readded cosmetics for voting, so why not make it a habit?

Join our Discord here! We're having a couple of changes; read more about it here.

Survey Results
We've listened to your feedback, and here's what we're going to do about it.

TnT Teaser

This week's Crayola colour is: ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅((>

Cosmetics are back!
To buy MysteryBoxes, vote and earn Topians, with these Topians, you can buy Boxes in /shop!
Once you have bought a box, do /warp mysteryboxes and follow the instructions there!

FreakyCupcake - Promoted - Handpicked

Tamzies has resigned from Moderator after over 2 and 3/4 years - best wishes to her in the future.
superhalo6 resigned from Moderator ages ago, but we've only just got around to demoting him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Robo has been promoted to Moderator!

The Nether Star
Some people may have seen a nether star pop up or vanish from their inventory recently. This is due to the GadgetsMenu plugin we are planning to implement for cosmetics. The nether star showing up was a result of a misconfiguration, so apologies for that!

Due to having April fools last meeting, there is a lot of outstanding news from AoD.

Map Helper Rank:
Helper applications are still open:
The details for applying are listed in the thread if you are interested.

Map Changes:
Several maps have been added recently:
  • Grow House (Mob)​
  • Penance (Infection)​
  • Dragon Islands (Infection)​
  • Twickel Castle (CTF)​
  • Duel Island (FFA)​
  • Grand Prix (Infection)​
  • Ranch (Mob)​
  • Sky (Zombie)​
  • Lantern Square (Mob)​
  • CompWorld (FFA)​
  • Tower (Infection)​

Several maps have also been removed due to being unpopular (or overplayed)
  • Farmland (Mob)​
  • Safari (Infection)​
  • Desert Ops (Zombie)​
  • Permafrost (CTF)​

As well as this, we are now documenting the changes we make to maps. Read the following thread by Arelic to see this:

Staff Changes
Some map helpers have been given the ability to edit maps. Currently the helpers who can do this are:​
  • Iggish​
  • Unusual_Dude​
  • HKCaper​
If there is a problem with a map on the server which needs fixing, you contact these people as well as the current staff.

Arelic was promoted to Controller!

Changes to the server
There have been a lot of recent changes to the server, however these are the most noteworthy players. (Those of you who play AoD regularly will likely have already noticed these however):

  • Can now win in Mob - most maps will have a max wave
  • Added new shop items, such as potions, xp bottles and enchanted books. Alll mob maps should also have an anvil
  • When joining a FFA game late, you will have fewer lives than the maximum so make it more fair (will always join with at least 1 life)
  • Added leaderboards to infection
  • Added item descriptions to each item in TNT
  • Confusion bows now do less damage, and only give potion effects when it is a direct hit
Changes for map configs (only important for those of you who submit maps):
  • Added the ability for the juggernaut chance to be changed
  • Added an option to change which blocks are broken by explosions
  • Added an option to enable or disable block drops from explosions (only valid if the block can be broken by the above setting)
A final note from Comp:
Thank you to everyone who has been helping on AoD these past few weeks - the server player count has picked up and remained high, and it is for sure helped by the effort which you all put in. So thanks to both staff, helpers and players from me!

Thank you all for the responses on the survey. You can read our response here.

JoeisPyro resigned due to having no time to help.
StarBaker also resigned due to having no time to help.

Thank you both for your help on the server!

No news.

The server will be saved on the 21st of April. After that an event will start lasting until April 30th.
More details here:

Jolterino promoted to Director.
Tamzies resigned.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
The Nether Star
Some people may have seen a nether star pop up or vanish from their inventory recently. This is due to the GadgetsMenu plugin we are planning to implement for cosmetics. The nether star showing up was a result of a misconfiguration, so apologies for that!
I'd like a refund for this nether star mishap - I know that I had 64 diamonds in that slot. This wouldn't have happened if RoF had Vaults.

TNT \o/
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Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Looks like New Flexible has outdated ribbons like "buildbox" or "legends of primordia" edit: they got updated

Updated Staff Roster.
We have 32/36 Mods+
Jolterino Danni122112 what will happen to Primordia staff? For now I marked Primordia as shutdown.

Players on MC in last 2 weeks:

Since Primordia is going to be shutdown, can you guys make family threads available to everyone?
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