Commands/parameters you may not know about! (Fawe)


Apr 17, 2013
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Hi. I've compiled some useful commands/parameters/techniques (from the Fawe wiki) that some of you may not know about.
You might not be eager to look through all of these, but I encourage checking them out so you can build better!

  • <arg> - A required parameter
  • [arg] - An optional parameter
  • <arg1|arg2> - Multiple parameters options
  • <arg=value> - Default or suggested value
  • -a - A command flag e.g. //<command> -a [flag-value]
- /fillr <pattern> <radius> [depth]
Desc: Fill a hole recursively

- /fall [replace] [-m]
Desc: Make the blocks in the selection fall

- /setblocklight
Desc: Set block lighting in a selection

- //caves [size] [freq] [rarity] [minY] [maxY] [sysFreq] [sysRarity] [pocketRarity] [pocketMin] [pocketMax]
Desc: Generates a cave network

- /savebrush <name>
Desc: Save your current brush

- /brush catenary <pattern> [lengthFactor=1.2]
Desc: Create a hanging line between two points.
The lengthFactor controls how long the line is
The -h flag creates only a shell
The -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing
- /br shatter
Desc: Creates uneven lines separating terrain into multiple pieces

- /br blendball
Desc: Smooths and blends terrain
- /br pull
Desc: Pull terrain towards you

- /br splatter
Desc: Sets a bunch of blocks randomly on a surface.
Example: /br splatter stone,dirt 30 15
Note: The seeds define how many splotches there are, recursion defines how large, solid defines whether the pattern is applied per seed, else per block.

- /brush spline <pattern> [lengthfactor] [size]

Desc: Create a hanging line between two points.
The lengthFactor controls how long the line is
The -h flag creates only a shell
The -s flag selects the clicked point after drawing

- /br circle
Desc: Creates a circle which revolves around your facing direction.
Note: Decrease brush radius, and enabled visualization to assist with placement mid-air

- /br rock <pattern> [radius=10] [roundness=100] [frequency=30] [amplitude=50]
Desc: Creates a distorted sphere

- /br scatter <pattern> [radius=5] [points=5] [distance=1] [-o]
Desc: Set a number of blocks randomly on a surface each a certain distance apart.
The -o flag will overlay the block

- /br height [radius=5] [file|#clipboard|imgur=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00] [-h]
Desc: This brush raises and lowers land.
The -r flag enables random off-axis rotation
The -l flag will work on snow layers
The -s flag disables smoothing
Note: Use a negative yscale to reduce height

- /br cliff [radius=5] [file|#clipboard|imgur=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00] [-h]
Desc: This brush flattens terrain and creates cliffs.
The -r flag enables random off-axis rotation
The -l flag will work on snow layers
The -s flag disables smoothing

- /br flatten [radius=5] [file|#clipboard|imgur=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00] [-h]
Desc: Flatten brush flattens terrain
The -r flag enables random off-axis rotation
The -l flag will work on snow layers
The -s flag disables smoothing

- /br layer <radius> [color|<pattern1> <patern2>...]
Desc: Replaces terrain with a layer.
Example: /br layer 5 95:1 95:2 35:15 - Places several layers on a surface
Desc: percentage chance

Desc: Restrict to initial id

Desc: Restrict to surfaces (any solid block touching air)

$ <biome>
Desc: in a specific biome. For a list of biomes use //biomelist

! <mask>

Desc: If there is a non air block

Desc: Restrict to initial data

\ <min> <max>
Desc: Restrict to specific terrain angle
The -o flag will only overlayExample: /[0d][45d]
Explanation: Allows any block where the adjacent block is between 0 and 45 degrees.
Example: /[3][20]
Explanation: Allows any block where the adjacent block is between 3 and 20 blocks below

Desc: inside the provided selection

Desc: If there is a solid block

#skylight <min> <max>
Desc: Restrict to specific sky light levels

< <mask>
Desc: below a specific block

> <mask>
Desc: above a specific block

Desc: Restrict to walls (any block n,e,s,w of air)

Desc: Restrict to specific block brightness

Desc: Restrict to blocks without light (sky or emitted)

#light <min> <max>
Desc: Restrict to specific light levels

#blocklight <min> <max>
Desc: Restrict to specific block light levels

#buffer <pattern>
Desc: Only place a block once while a pattern is in use
Use with a brush when you don't want to apply to the same spot twice

Desc: Only change the block id

Desc: Use the blocks in your clipboard as the pattern

#data <pattern>
Desc: Only change the block data

#biome <biome>
Desc: Set the biome

#simplex <scale> <pattern>

Desc: Use simplex noise to randomize blocks


Cool techniques using these:
Mix grass/water textures:
//set $jungle,$swampland,$plains

Making unique vines:
/br sphere 175:1 5
/mask <cobble,175:1

Making seaweed:
/br sphere 6:3 5
/mask >sand,6

Remember to get creative and create your own techniques!
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