Clan vault enderchest.

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Aug 8, 2011
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It has come to my attention that some clans are using other clans enderchest located in the vault.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]The vault was built for the express purpose of denying all but their owners, [BCOLOR=#ff0000][BCOLOR=#00ffff]the specific clan[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR], access.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffff00] [/BCOLOR]
Consider this for a moment that another clan raiding you enters your vault and then proceeds to empty out their raiding rewards into the enderchest.

As such I went around covering the enderchests.

Why? Because other clans cannot edit in areas and covering them provided the intended protection enderchests within the vaults are supposed to have.

[BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Those who have used them where they knew they could not use them before should have known better and not used them. However with this post I am making it very clear.[/BCOLOR]

I am going to be really stern with anyone I find out using another clans enderchest and I will be discussing actions to take against the individual or even the clan they are from itself. I might even resolve to a tempban for those I find out using another clans enderchest or attempting to wriggle around this rule.

[BCOLOR=#ff9900][BCOLOR=#ff0000]There are no exceptions or allowances.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff9900]These enderchests INSIDE the vault were intended to be clan specific and it will stay this way until 03-27-2015 [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff9900]That means a fire clan member cannot open up the covering on the enderhest for any other clan and 'allow' them usage.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff9900][BCOLOR=#ffff00]Having a truce, ceasefire, treaty, pact, alliance or any other word for getting along and not fighting does not give you permission for another clan to be your clans enderchest or you to be in theirs.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

The enderchests are meant to benefit and give a layer of protection to each clan, not be a item superhighway for raiders to clear you out.
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