Chest room safety theorycrafting


Mar 31, 2012
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Hi friends -
If you haven't read the Rules Compendium, all chests must be unblocked and prone to stealing:
4. Stealing from a chest is allowed!

. All chests and item-containing objects (armor stands, furnaces, item frames) must ALWAYS be reachable to any player.
B. No blocked chests. Chests must never require an item or removal of a block to access.
C. Owners can take any shortcuts they want to access their chests (remove blocks etc).
D. Buttons/Levers/Access mechanisms must all be within 30 blocks travel from the entrance.
E. Locks cannot require more than 2 players to function (both must be able to access).
F. Locks must remain open when unlocked, allowing raiders to leave via the same route they entered.
G. Artwork in item frames is an exception to raiding and may not be stolen.
H. If in doubt, or you see any limits being abused, please contact a member of staff.
So, we should think about ways we can block off our main vault and/or other chest rooms so that we can best protect our stuff. Obviously, we can just dig in to our own vault, but we need to have some stupidly complex way to get into our vault. We should also brainstorm smaller-scale puzzles/hiding places for chests for our own homes, because our family's wealth = the sum of all of our own wealth etc etc.

I'll try to do some research and figure some out, but I figured I'd open up the thread now just for later. ALSO worth thinking about is temporary solutions for the first 3 days or so until we can make the real puzzle(s).


May 31, 2014
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This is an idea for a temporary safe location

I've put it all in a spoiler so staff in another clan who might be viewing this have the option to not open it
My idea is to have a chest disguised in the water of an underground wheat farm. It is nigh invisible and if people wonder why the water is under the wall, they'll just assume it's for irrigation. I think it's pretty self explanatory with screenshots so I'll just show them

If you have any questions about how this works please feel free to ask.
This is what it would look like. As you can see it is covered by wheat. You break it, then open the chest through the 1 pixel wide hole created by a hoe. Then you replant the wheat and no-one is any the wiser.

Edit: the build in my plot has now been destroyed so no-one else will know about it
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Mar 31, 2012
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OK, I did a bit of messing around in Create for how a simple lock + parkour setup could work:

5 lock system, there are 2^5 = 32 combinations (I think). I believe you can add more levers, so this could easily become a 7-8 lock system which could have up to 256 combinations - hard to try all of them without either a) going insane or b) getting caught by one of us!

Teasing them with a vaulty-type look.

Here I would like to add a few difficult jumps, right now I have one jump that I'm not sure is possible (it works with a solid block but I haven't been able to land it w/ the glass pane). Water leads to...

A staircase to "exit"

Pressure plate will kill you if you're just trying to run out :)

Only way out is to open trapped chest (right) and run to the door that it opens!

Random thought - we could have one entrance that requires like 64 diamonds to enter. I forget how those work but I know it's possible. Don't know if that would be legal though. Would be a question for the dude Danni122112

I'll keep scheming