Arena games


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
The time has come to test the strength of each and every clan. It has been a while since the clans have tested the strength of others and now all have agreed. Now is the time to test their warriors against one another; However, be warned your strength will not be tested with your team, but the Individual strength of each warrior will be shown through their abilities on the battlefield.

Join me on friday the 26th[sup]th[/sup] where I will be hosting an arena competition featuring a multitude of arena pvp based games. Don’t worry about bringing armor or weapons as basic gear will be provided for you. In fact inventories will be cleared before entering the Arena so don’t worry about bringing anything other than the basic utilities you will need to make the journey. The event will start promptly at 11:30 am EDT (3:30 GMT or 4:30 BST (please remember GMT and BST are not the same thing). You will be able to find the entrance to the event at the approximate coordinates of -10 400. Beds will be provided here for you to sleep in as you will die a lot and need to respawn here

Here are some of the planned events:

Zombie apocalypse
Here your survival skills will be put to the test. One player will be selected as the zombie and try to kill off all of the others. Each time a human is killed they will join the zombie team until none are remaining. Goodluck!

Now all of the players will be divided into two teams. When the Arena doors open both teams will fight to the death. Remember: Friendly fire will be on.

More like dodge arrow. This battle will test both your archery and your agility skills. May the most nimble and accurate win.

Main Tournament
We will find which clan has the strongest warrior. A randomized tournament bracket will be created and every battle will occur 1 vs 1. Everyone else will be able to watch from the spectator area while two warriors battle to the death.

*please note this is just an overview and things may or may not change as the event comes closer. Other things may or may not be added or removed at the time.

Come to defend the honor of your clan while fighting for blood amongst other warriors.

I'd like to give a special thank you to lee_scar , Major_Bryan and Tails506 as well as a few others for helping with this event.

Edit. I'm sorry for any confusion but I initially meant to put in friday the 26th instead of the 27th. Next time I will be more careful to double check the date.
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