AoD: The Legend of the Dark Hunter

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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Alright guys, I wanted to shake things up a little so this chapter will be in Ciu22's POV! YAY! *Blows partayyy horn* should be interesting so let's launch right into this!

Chapter Four
Darkness. Complete and utter darkness as far as I can see. At first I think it's because I'm lying on the arid ground of the pit where the temple is, or perhaps in the hospital, unconscious and eyes closed, until I blink and realize that they are open. I stand up on what feels like a floor. There is nothing. Absolutely nothing but the darkness that surrounds me. It chills my bones and envelopes me in its sinister presence.​
I turn around and see a - TV screen? No. It's not a TV screen, it's an image floating in the darkness. It's me - it should be me - in a hospital room at Gardenvale. I see my eyes closed, and Guinessis and High Priest baker93 - I'm going through too much stuff right now to be surprised at that - on both sides of my bed. Their mouths move, and I can hear a dull, muffled noise in my ears. They are talking about how to get rid of the darkness inside of me. Suddenly, "my" eyes open and they are a deep purple.​
I scream in terror. That is not me. "My" voice - no, his voice - pierces through the darkness and penetrates my ears like daggers. "Oh, I don't think that will work," he says in a deep and unearthly voice. His hand immediately shoots out and takes Guinessis by the neck. He struggles to free himself, but he is running out of oxygen and is weakly picking at the fingers that enclose him. Suddenly, Baker93 grabs a chair and whacks Dark Ciu (my new nickname for this evil beast) on the head. Dark Ciu is distracted. Guinessis gets up and punches him in the face. He dashes around Dark Ciu and avoids a menacing punch. He takes Dark Ciu's head in his hands, brings it down and knees his back. Suddenly, his back ripples and expands into a cloud of dark purple smoke that merges to his body at the edges of the hole. Guinessis's knee goes straight through. Dark Ciu's arms go behind him to grab Guinessis and flip him over and send him crashing into a wall. He crashes down to the floor and blacks out.​
Dark Ciu grabs Guinessis and hurls him at the wall.​
"No!" Baker93 yells, and grabs a bottle of fluids marked CAUTION: ACIDIC and smashes it open on Ciu's head.
"AAAAAAAGH!" Ciu yells. His voice is deformed and his scream is bloodcurdling. He turns around to look at Baker and reveals the skin where the fluid spilled on, red and bubbling. He laughs maniacally and jumps across the room at Baker.
S_swimmer looks around in awe. The massive trees have twisting branches with leaves so green it seems surreal. Vines hang down and the underbrush is dotted with colorful flowers. The trees cover the sky and block out most light except for a few diagonal beams of sunlight. Most of the forest is lit up by the small, bright blue lights that idly float in the air. S_swimmer closes his hand around a light and feels something in the center. It is so tiny that if he caught it any normal day, he would not feel it, but the Grove seems to have sharpened his senses. He opens his hand gently, letting the unknown species circle his head once and fly back off into the forest. The whole place seems to be teeming with unusual yet beautiful creatures that sometimes resemble earthly animals, and other times look like creatures seen only in dreams. Never has S_swimmer felt so free, so happy, so... alive.​
"GET HIM OFF OF ME!" Baker93 yells at the top of his lungs. Ciu crawls around him, trying to knock him to the ground, injure him, choke him, or kill him. Baker is prying Ciu's fingers off his neck. He laughs maniacally and squeezes harder. Guinessis, now waking up, sees the dilemma and rushes over to aid Baker. He takes Ciu and throws him to the ground, but his grip on Baker is so powerful that it throws Baker too. They roll on the floor, punching and kicking, trying to throw the other off, splattering blood everywhere.​
S_swimmer comes upon a glowing spring of water. All forms of life he's seen on the ground and in the trees, as well as others, gathered around the spring. The edges is dotted with the blue lights. Small wisps of steam blanket the surface. Slowly, S_swimmer steps in. Although it is steaming, the water is only lukewarm. He takes a few steps further until he finds himself at the center of the spring. He closes his eyes and breathes in the air. The blue lights cluster around him. Then, all of a sudden, it becomes clear what the forest is telling him. The knowledge appears in his brain immediately. he turns around and walks back out of the forest.​
I've seen enough. With both hands, I smash the image in rage and sprint into the darkness.​
"I'M FINISHED WITH YOU!" I yell, and charge at the darkness.​
Ciu is on top of baker, ready to smash his temples, when he suddenly is jerked backwards by an unseen force. Baker gets up. Ciu crawls on the ground in jerky, spastic motions, foaming at the mouth. He writhes on the ground in pain, screaming, randomly switching between his bloodcurdling voice and the voice of the real Ciu.​
"YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE!" I scream and slash at the darkness. "DO YOU HEAR ME!? YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I make a final slash at the darkness and suddenly, I rip a hole in the darkness. The hole widens and sucks me into it and the light floods into my eyes as I enter the real world.​
Suddenly, Ciu sits up, spreads his arm apart, and yells in his dark voice. Purple smoke rushes out of his chest and rockets upward into the air. His dark purple eyes slowly fade back into his normal ones. All at once, the purple smoke left, Ciu's voice changed back to normal, and he falls to the ground. He groans and gets up. "Ugh. What happened?"​
"You got possessed by an evil demon in that temple or something," Guinessis says with a hint of anger. "No big deal."​
"Ugh. I have a headache. All I remember was I was at the temple, then I got knocked out, then I woke up in complete darkness. Then I ripped a hole in it and I fell through here. You're sure I wasn't tripping?"​
Suddenly, the door slams open and S_swimmer walks in, a grave look on his face. "Yes," he says, and looks all three people in the eye. "It wasn't a dream. It was more. And I know what we have to do now. We have to go back."​
End Chapter 4


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Time for the 500th View Celebration!!!
How it works: Shoot me a PM of what you think it should be. Here are the choices I came up with:
  • A super-special group project AoD map of a setting in the story (your choice for which one)
  • A special Anniversary Bonus about the history of Gardenvale and/or the Mysterious Temple
Of course, you can also PM me other ideas to put up here. The final decision will be made on November 17 (at least in my timezone :p) Have fun, and I hope to see many people for the Anniversary Party I'm going to host at BuildBox!
PS: If we ever (I kind of doubt it) get to 750 or even somehow 1,000 views, I will also have another celebration.
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Reactions: Chase8151220101


Jul 22, 2012
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"Um, I didn't say that," Guinessis says nervously. Instantly, they both know who did, but they feel the need to look down to confirm their fears. Ciu22's dark purple eyes are open, and he grins evilly.

End of Chapter 3
You should be a scary story author when you grow up :cold:


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Chapter 5
The Arrival

"You guys ready?" I ask. Ciu and Guinessis nod their heads, but Ciu seems a bit hesitant. I can't blame him; he almost died in the temple, not to mention what happened to him when he came out. I can only imagine the thoughts that are swirling in his head right now.
"Come on, we ain't got time for chit-chat," Dlmt3 says in his normal cranky tone. We stroll up to the helicopter and hop in. I am surprised to see Baker93 in the shotgun seat next to the chubby man.
"Hiya," he says. "So I'm going to be tagging along with you guys. You feeling alright, Ciu?"
"Yeah, a little shaken up, but fine," Ciu replies.
"Alright then. So, S_swimmer, why exactly do we need to go to this temple?"
"The forest told me," I reply.
"Ah, yes. I almost forgot about your meeting with the Grove. Whatever reason you have been told for bringing us to the temple, I suggest you not share it with anyone." I need no further explanation, but Dlmt3 does.
"Whoa, whoa," he says, confused. "Hold on a sec, people. Talking forests?" We laugh. Apparently, Dlmt hasn't lived in Gardenvale. "What?" He asks angrily. "You really think anyone would know what you mean?"
"Gardenvale has a holy place called the Sacred Grove," Baker93 explains to him. "It's the most holy outcropping of nature in the universe. Very few people have ever been allowed in, and the people who were say that the forest actually spe to them. All who have came in later became known as some of the wisest people in history. Surely, you have heard of Albert Einstein?"
"You ain't going to convince me he got wise from trees," he says gruffly. Baker93 nods his head, understanding.
"It's a hard thing to believe when you put it that way," he says. "but it doesn't matter." He leans in and says quietly, "That's about the shortest Gardenvale lesson I've ever given. Consider yourself lucky." The ride is silent for a while. I look outside and get lost in the wonder of how small everything is from here. Everything is so tiny and detailed, and whenever we pass a city, you can see how it was planned and where things are. One city was divided into four sections of skyscrapers with a large, flat space in the middle for parks and public buildings and stores. Even the cities that I curse for being polluted look beautiful up here. I wish I remembered to look down at Gardenvale when we flew above. That would take my breath away.
I snap out of my trance only to listen to Dlmt3 talk about how he lost his leg. Apparently, he was an incredibly fierce warrior, and he even fought in the third Dwarf War when one of the dwarves' finest warriors challenged him to a duel. The poor dwarf lost his life, but Dlmt lost something that he couldn't fight without. He resigned from the army the moment his leg healed, and the loss deprived him of being able to exercize, slowly molding him into the cranky, chubby man that drives our helicopter today.
We land at the temple about the time he finishes his story.
"You guys better be careful," Dlmt warns us. "Ciu ain't the only person that's been got by that thing." We nod our heads and begin the trek down the pit.

The Temple

Terror and uncertainty hang in the atmosphere as our small team makes the first shaky steps onto the floor. There is no sound but the contact of our feet on the stone floor and our heavy breathing. But, for some reason, the absence of sound is more unsettling.
"I think I remember why I don't like this place," Ciu says nervously. "You know, other than the fact that I almost died here."
Suddenly, we all jump back as I put my foot down on the first step and the fires on the pillars light up all at once. I shake it off and continue climbing the steps. The further I approach the inside of the temple, the darker it seems to become outside. When I ascend the entire staircase, I turn around and see the sky completely black. But that is not the only thing I see. The orange fires of the pillars have once again turned a menacing purple, giving the place an eerie dim purple glow. The rest of the team is looking at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Lead the way," says Baker93, which confuses me. When did I suddenly become the leader? I shrug it off and turn around to face the temple. I start walking, then almost immediately stop in place when I remember what this temple is. This is the temple that is covered in death like a blanket. This is the temple where the greatest evil in Minecraftia could inhabit. This is the temple where it took Ciu. I look into the entrance. There is nothing but darkness inside. A darkness that seems surreal, a darkness darker than black. A darkness that isn't just black, but a darkness that creeps into your thoughts and produces darkness within you.
"Swimmer," Guinessis says, which snaps me out of my trance. I suck in my breath and my fear and charge in.
As if it were a curtain over the entrance, the darkness immediately fades away when I pass through it. It reveals a narrow spiral staircase with torches lining the outer wall. Water drips from the ceiling, and the walls and stairs are cracked and mossy. I motion the others in, and we start the trek down the staircase. With every step, I can feel my heart beat louder and harder. It's as if the entire place is pulsing, because with every heartbeat, I see the torches grow bright for a second, then fade again.
"Do you guys notice anything.... weird?" Guinessis says after about a half an hour. At that moment, I do notice something. The torches are still glowing, but they give off no light. Not only that, but the air seems to have a familiar dark purple luster. I shudder. This can only mean bad news.
"Yea," I say. "The torches."
"No," Guinessis says. "I mean the fact that this staircase seems to be growing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a wall around the stairs for about 10 minutes now." That's when I see it, too. Poking around the corner is a flat wall, normally the sign of a doorway. I get excited and run down to the wall, but I make no progress. The wall is still just around the corner.
"What the heck?" I exclaim. I break out into a dead sprint down the stairs, but the wall still remains in the same spot. Finally, I lunge towards the wall and grab on. I can feel the doorway's edge. I let go and stand up. Then I notice that there is nobody behind me.
"Guys! Down here!" I yell, and in a few seconds, they catch up to me.
"What happened?" Ciu asks.
"Well, the stairs kept coming out from the doorway, then I caught it. It seemed to break the illusion. Or, I think that's what it was. I don't really know with this place." I shake it off and stroll into the next room.

The Dark Hunter

"Well, what do you know," I say sarcastically. "More stairs." The only thing different is that this time, it's a straight staircase down, not a spiral one. The other thing different is that there is no torches. But other than that, it's still the same thing; an endless, mossy, cracked staircase in a dark, gloomy place with water and vines flowing down from the ceiling.
We begin the descent. It feels more ominous and scary than ever. Once again I start to get the feeling I got when I peered into the darkness at the temple's entrance. My stomach somersaults in fear. Suddenly, I am overcome with the urge of just lying down, curling up into a ball, and rotting on this very floor.
"Swimmer!" Guinessis exclaims, and I realize I have stopped in my tracks. I blink and push back the urge.
It's been 15 minutes now, and a greenish glow finally illumines the bottom of the staircase. Excitement, curiosity and confusion all mixed with terror propells us down the stairs to the glow. We finally reach the bottom, and look into..... oh, no.
It is a small, box-shaped room with green torches in the corners. In the middle, there is a small staircase leading up to a platform with green torches and a pedestal in the middle. On the pedestal is the same pumpkin we found in the desert. It is charged with lightning and emits crackling noises as small thunderbolts shoot out from it and plunge back in. It acts as if it is a black hole, sucking all the air into it. The sound is deafening. And, grinning evilly at us at the bottom of the staircase leading up to the platform, is Danni122112.
"No," I mutter under my breath, stupefied. "NO!"
"You've always been wrong, S_swimmer!" Danni yells over the wind, a mad look in his dark purple eyes. "You've always ran from the future! Embrace the darkness and you shall live!"
"Danni!" Baker93 screams. "You are insane! Walk away from the stairs, before you get consumed!"
Danni laughs a deep, booming, bloodcurdling laugh. The volume of his voice is surreal. "I AM NOT INSANE! I HAVE NEVER FELT MORE STRONG! MORE POWERFUL! MORE ALIVE!" And with that, he runs up to the pedestal and grabs the pumpkin.
"NOOOOO!!!!" I scream, but it's too late. Danni puts on the pumpkin, and the thunderbolts rumble through his body. Long tendrils of smoke slither around him. And I hear... laughter. Evil, mutated laughter. Then, the transformation is complete, and there is only silence.
As particles from the ground slowly rise and circle around Danni, we slowly, ever so slowly back away towards the staircase. Then the worst thing happens. I step in a puddle of water, and slip.
Danni's pumpkin head rotates a full 180°, looks at us and immediately charges. We race up the staircase at an unimaginable speed. Danni flies up behind us, tendrils of smoke racing out to grab us and pull us in. The light of the outside is only a few yards away. 3...... 2...... 1......
We emerge at the temple's entrance and sprint for the helicopter. I look behind and see Danni at the entrance. He spreads his arms out to the side, and a colossal smoke cloud reaching out to the extents of my vision rockets toward us.
"GET IN! NOW!!!!" Dlmt3 yells. We all jump in and he immediately takes off. The booming tidal wave of smoke slowly closes the distance.
"Faster!" I yell.
"This can't go any faster!" Dlmt turns around, tears running down his face. His eyes open wide in terror. A giant column of smoke shoots oout from the tidal wave and smashes the tail off the helicopter. We slowly spiral towards the ground.
"We have to jump!" Baker screams. "3! 2! 1! NOW!" We all jump out the moment before the helicopter plummets to the ground and explodes. We continue to sprint from the smoke, but Dlmt can't keep up. He falls back more, and more, and more, until he trips and falls down.
"DLMT!" I lock eyes with him and see the sheer terror in his soul before the smoke engulfs him entirely. "NOOOO!!!!" I yell, and run at the smoke to get him, but Baker93 pulls me back.
"It's too late," he says grimly. "We have to escape." With tears streaming down my cheeks, I nod and run.

"You have been revived," a deep voice says in his mind as he kneels, eyes closed, at the temple's entrance. "You have been reborn anew, and you now shall rekindle the light of darkness. Do you serve darkness?"​
Dlmt3 opens his eyes and raises his pumpkin head. "Yes."​
End Chapter 5


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Sorry guys. I was writing the first chapter in book 2 today, but sadly, my dad interrupted me. He deleted the story :( so it will have to wait until next weekend when I can find the time. Sorry!


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Army of Darkness
The Legend of the Dark Hunter
Book II: The Awakening
Running. That is all I know.
I have been running for what seems like years. My legs whip around like machines. They are practically numb by now. Sweat covers my face and neck like a veil. I continue running through this desert, trying to escape the wall of death that pursues me and my team. I look to my left and see Ciu22. To my right I see Baker93 and Guinessis.
"We can't outrun it!" I yell over the wind.
"Well what do we do?" Ciu shouts. "Just stop and get eaten by it?"
Suddenly Baker puts on a face of realization and starts running slowly. "There is no need for that," he says. "The smoke is gone."
I look back and realize that he is right. There is no trace of smoke, or Danni122112, or Dlmt3. We are just standing in the middle of the desert. Everyone stops running and sits down to take a breath.
"We must've got so used to the wind that we didn't hear the smoke disappear," I say, chuckling slightly. "Well, then. Now we're in the middle of the desert. What now?"
"We find LISTINGS09's lab," Baker says, getting up. "And we ask him for answers."
"So, tell me what happened," LISTINGS09 says. We are in the lobby of his lab building. A long, red carpet with intricate gold and blue swirls covers most of the glossy wood floor. We are sitting in small but soft and comfortable blue chairs. The room has a very lazy and peaceful atmosphere, which completely clashes with the events we just recently endured.
Ciu steps up to answer his question. "We went to that temple thing in the desert – you know, the one where we found the pumpkin. So, we went in there and Danni122112 was there with the pumpkin. He put it on his head and then sent a bunch of smoke at us. We tried to fly away but it smashed the tail off the copter, but we escaped. Well, Dlmt3 didn't. Anyway, we ran through the desert until it went away, then we came here."
LISTINGS ponders this for a moment. "I am sorry, but I have my own problems," he says firmly. He is about to shut the door when Baker93 steps through.
"LISTINGS," he says. "Wait."
LISTINGS opens the door again, this time looking confused, surprised, and angry all at the same time. "Baker... I thought you were dead."
"I need a favor from you, LISTINGS," Baker asks. "I know that you know what is going on."
"Not this time, old friend," LISTINGS says, his anger coming over him. "I have done far too many favors for you."
"Please," Baker pleads. "Just one more favor."
LISTINGS hesitates. "Ahh... very well. Come with me, all of you, I have something to show you." He leads us through one of the doors and we enter a large room that looks like a twister ran through it. Broken bottles and tubes spill colored fluids across the floor. Desks are thrown out of place and some furniture is turned on its side, upside down, or broken in half. Large dents spot the walls. There is broken glass in clusters everywhere. And blood. There is lots of blood, too.
"Danni122112 came here a few hours ago," LISTINGS explains. "He said he wanted the pumpkin. He seemed different. His voice was strange and unearthly. His eyes darted everywhere like a madman. Sensing danger, I told him he couldn't have it. That's when he lunged at me. We fought for a while, but something was assisting him and strengthening him. He threw me into the wall and knocked me out. When I woke up, he was gone. And so was the pumpkin."
"Well, that explains why Danni had it," Ciu says.
"Yes, but this is not the room we need to be in. Follow me."
This time, he leads us to a room that looks much like a library. Shelves of books and ancient scrolls fill the room and make it feel quite cramped. The only thing out of the ordinary is a strange table in the middle. On top of it is a floating book. Runes float out of crevices in the shelves and are absorbed by the book.
"This," LISTINGS narrates, "is called an Enchantment Table. There are very few in the world. They were made by one of the members of the High Council of Elder Mages shortly before his death. They were hidden, lost, and forgotten over the years. But, one day, one of the mage's descendants came to me. This wizard went by the name of Malcovent. He gathered me, Baker93, and a man named Deadl0ck to go find and retrieve the missing tables. In the end, we found them, and we each got one. It was one hell of a fight with the guardian of these books, but that is a story for another time. Here, I'll show you what it does."
LISTINGS whips out a sword from somewhere and places it on the table. He flips through the pages on the floating book and chooses one paragraph. He chants the paragraph loudly, and when he is done, a blinding white flash is released from the table, and a force knocks us all back. When I recover my senses and stand up, the sword is covered in tiny purple embers.
LISTINGS09 picks up the sword slowly and carefully. "This sword has been enchanted. The runes in which I chanted has imbued this sword with the power of fire. If you were to use this sword, whoever you hit will be set ablaze. However, the more powerful an enchantment is, the more energy it drains from you while it enchants the item, so if you were to use it, choose wisely. This is a very handy thing to use while preparing for battle. But, I'd much rather show you what I keep inside."
He opens up the top of the table to reveal a secret compartment. Inside rests a single tattered scroll. "This table is where I keep my most valuable and secret of scrolls and books. This is the only known record that contains the darkest time of history. The event that was prophecized to repeat itself."
He takes a deep breath. "This scroll recounts the legend of the Dark Hunter."
End Chapter 1


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for all of your support guys, I really appreciate it :D
Also, I've decided to add a goal system to keep things a bit more lively. My goal for this chapter is to beat the all-time like record on this thread: 10 likes! :) But whatever, let's begin!

Chapter II
The dawn of time began with three beings; the spirits of the Universe, Life, and Morality. The Universe became the space in which all things existed in. Life created the inhabitants of the Universe. Morality was the law of all things right and wrong in the Universe.Life and Morality bore two children; Peace and Chaos. The job of the two children was to enforce the rules of Morality to all beings. For a time, this was done.
Soon, Life created her two most prized jewels: Adam and Eve. Upon them she bestowed the Most Holy Gift of Wisdom. Their offspring were collectively named the Humans.​
The Humans were like no other race in the Universe. They were of the most complex structure of all creatures. They were the wisest and the most quickly advancing species. They made lagnuages and constructed grand cities and wrote stories with ink and parchment. They clothed themselves and made art. They loved, they envied, they empathized, they hated. They had the strongest emotions of all of Life's creations.​
Though the Humans were very caring and loving, they also had very prominent dark sides. They often spun out of control, making Peace and Chaos work harder than ever. The Humans were extreme in their emotions, and Peace and Chaos grew stronger from them.​
Chaos began to grow jealous of his brother. Peace was most definitely the favorite child. Life and Morality always viewed Chaos as the son they wished could be more like Peace.​
One day, Chaos realized something. His job was to enforce the laws of Morality so that it would bring peace to the Universe. He was working to bring the dream world of Peace alive, the very brother he detested with all his heart! Chaos was outraged. He began to work against Peace. He set nations to war, leaving the Humans and all the animals to decimate themselves. The more conflict he created, the stronger he grew, for there was nothing but chaos.​
Peace saw this and began to try to maintain order. Peace and Chaos fought over the world for years. Then, one year, Chaos mysteriously disappeared. Peace saw this opportunity and spread his laws throughout the lands.​
Chaos was in hiding. He retreated from the Universe into the land of half-existence. There, he created a wife out of the nothingness. He named her Darkness. They fell in love, and made an offspring; a human-like baby with a pumpkin head. The infant was filled with the rage and hunger for incineration that both his parents had.​
Chaos named his baby the Dark Hunter. He occasionally journeyed back to the Universe and plucked deceased humans out of heaven and hell to put them in front of his baby to kill with his bare hands. All of the people the Dark Hunter killed became slightly less-powerful pumpkin-headed Hunters as well.​
Before long, Chaos had an entire army of Hunters. He returned to the Universe and to his dark fortress, and he released his army into the lands of the Humans. They blasted and destroyed and annihilated everything that stood in their path. They wrecked havoc throughout the Universe and killed and turned others into Hunters. Chaos grew unimaginably strong.​
Peace was infuriated by all this. He stormed into the lands and sent waves of healing upon them. He stood against the Hunters and fought them for years. Eventually, they were all wiped out, except for the Dark Hunter. They had a grand battle. In the end, Peace unleashed his wrath in the Dark Hunter and defeated him. All that was left of him was his pumpkin head and his dark base where he led his armies. Chaos turned to a weak and frail state, and peace was returned to the lands.​
Over time, the stories and the memories of those times became forgotten, and things completely returned to normal.The sages and the fortune tellers of those times prophesied that the Dark Hunter would come back, however, even stronger.​
-•- LOTDH -•-
LISTINGS closes the scroll and puts it back in the enchantment table. There is silence.​
"So, now you know," LISTINGS says grimly. "Danni has become the reincarnation of the son of Chaos."​
End Chapter II
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