Accepted [Accepted] Create Moderator Application - 2.0

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Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Hello humans,
Here is my Moderator Application.

Account Name (including alternate accounts): Tamzies


Ehh, 20 year old.. *Old lady person now.*

GMT +1 The Netherlands, The Netherlands is a small country laying in Europe, it is close to England with the North sea in between.

Staff References:

Chrisrocks300 - forgot your new name.
Nillbugwtw -
Prizyms -

Previous staff experience:

As you guys obviously know, I began my staffing career on the old Create named Buildbox. I had a really fun time on staff and I started staffing in February last year with my staffing carrier it ended when I couldn't make my ontime. Due to the fact I dislike building when no one is around and having to AFK for three hours straight isn't my way. I got fired around the last part of 2014. I also staff on the other EscapeRestart server named Rituals of Fire, I was VetOp for some months and operator for even longer, the rank VetOp got removed and merged with Operator so I am a Moderator now.

What do you think the role entails?

The role of a moderator on Create is really different from the actions I perform on RoF. Although there are some similarities, keeping the server active by speaking in chat is a big thing. If people see you having fun, they will mostly likely join and start talking. If everyone would stop talking, it would benefit negatively to being AFK on the server. There are two different sides on Create, that exist on every server the negative side and the positive side. I am going to start with the positive side first, there are a lot of positive points about being a Moderator on Create. Granting people the rank builder, always gave me a smile. Although the standards are pretty high, I absolutely love it when I can make people happy with a higher rank. Giving people advice on their builds is always a fun thing to do, a note here is to make the negative advice, positive. So instead of saying: 'I don't like this' opt for 'This can you improve, but I already like...'' This way the person in question doesn't feel attacked personally and happy that a staff member likes his/her builds. happy that a staff likes his builds. Being honest and real is a trait that one needs in this kinds of situation, you can't just say that someone builds great out of pity, or because someone is your best friend. The community on Create is also a great positive asset that wants me to become a Moderator to support and give my own twist to the overall feel. Talking in the chat, meeting new friends and mingling with the old ones, that is one of the things that EscapeRestart and Create are about. Creating things with friends, made by real people with their emotions and thoughts in the build. Coming to the server should make you happy and it shouldn't become a thing you have to do, because you applied and now you are stuck with it. The negative side is telling people they did things wrong, maybe with their behaviour or they made offensive builds. I am not a person that bans a person fast and that could be a downside. I see the good in people and that can be a good trait in my job later, but it could turn out horrible in a chaotic environment that a server can be. Telling people no, isn't hard, but when they are your friends and you have to say: ''Sorry I have to ban you'' comes in as a big blow. I don't like to ban people, but when I do, the reason is legit and I stand fully behind the ban. Taking screenshots is important for the ban appeals, most people forget what they did and a screen can clear up a lot in a ban appeal. I must say, sometimes I forget this and I am not that active on the server lounges, due to that my time has to be spread by so many things. (Yes, I do have time for Create).

What sets you apart from other applicants?

I don't really like to brag in applications and that is something I would never do. My previous staff experiences sets me apart from others and makes me an excellent candidate to suit the position of Moderator on create. I am already familiar with the commands and some of the staff on Create, this means I don't have to find my way in the team. This can be a beneficial part since new people can create stress in a team. I don't think accepting me will cause this and I hope that I can bring my ideas and thoughts into the team. I also know the community well and I am aware of some of the different personalities running around, this makes me perfect to see changes and acting before worse things happen. My current degree teaches me to see changes in behaviour easily and I can even make psyche evaluations (Not sure if that is needed, it's just cool to typ.) The fact that I am a female builder and that my buildings skills aren't that bad if I may say so, can make me connect with other female builders easily. Females check for other things then males typically do. Females check for details, for a cute furniture inside or an awesome detail on a wall. This different side of looking at things, can benefit to some builders that wander around create.

What are my weaknesses?

I added this line, because there isn't a part that shows your weaknesses and those are important. You need to know what your weakness is, so when people use it against you, you don't turn into some angry baboon destroying your whole city. My weakness would be that I can come over as mean and that I want to push my own way through. I have heard of players that when I review builds I can be very strict and detailed with reviews. Sometimes this can come over as mean. Also like to have my way, this is not something you would notice on the forums, but I can sublimely say comments that could hint to something I would desire. This could differ from an idea that I really want implemented or not wanting to read something. I can be really perseverance and I don't change opinions quickly, when it is no, it stays no. This can turn against me easily, I know of my weaknesses and I know how to put them into benefits.

Additional/final notes:

Thank you, for reading this abomination. Sorry that it turned out longer than expected. I had a fun time typing this and I tried to be honest all of the time. This isn't a sales pitch and nor should it be seen as one. I would love you guys to take me into consideration and I can't wait to join the staff team.
I would like to thank all the people that gave me their references, you guys have been really nice.
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