[Taking Reserves] Tavern Arcana


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score

You receive an envelope, painted over with gold paint. Someone has touched it before the paint has completely dried, leaving messy fingerprints. This totally illegitimate invite discussing some fancy event for adventurers and scholars all around the world unfolds in your hands as you peel away the envelope.

And you may be just crazy enough to check it out.​


Closed setup • Max 23 players • Hosted by Jolterino and Arelic

• Do not discuss the game outside of the thread and official PMs
• Do not use PM mechanics, directly quote, or take screenshots of PMs
• Do not edit or delete posts
• Do not post or rate posts if you're not part of the game or if you've died
• Do not throw the game
• Do not use deceptive text
• Remain active and respectful towards the hosts and players
• Not sure if something's allowed? Ask


Write anything below to sign up.

1. Roobarb Pie
2. Danni122112
3. Enderfive
4. Iggish
5. Ooglie101
6. Geekenstein
7. Mulbery
8. Aqua
9. ChocoFox
10. myusername22
11. HKCaper
12. Dess
13. hipman500
14. TheWeakGuy48_
15. Infected_alien8_
16. Nottykitten
17. Fog
18. kurizmaah
19. Comp
20. Jivvi
21. Unusual_Dood
22. erik5456
23. Runemen4

We're also accepting substitutes!
1. One one two
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